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- * The Trumpet Blows A Sour Note.
- In reply to Ben Obina's "THE LAST TRUMPET," The Story Of One Young
- Man's Desperate Struggle To Believe The Impossible, And Succeeds.
- It has been observed that one may go to any Fundamentalist
- Christian Revival meeting where "exorcisms" are being performed,
- and someone will vomit a demon into a paper bag if you ask them to
- (and often when you ask them not to). There's great power (in
- covertly manipulating others) from believing that the devil is out
- to get one, personally. Think of all the lively conversations one
- could have with others, with one the center of attention, as one
- relates how the devil caused one to do horrible things like
- (horrors!) masturbate, steal, or work on Sundays. ["Confrontations
- With The DEVIL," by Robert W. Pelton, Pocket Books, 1979, pp.
- 126-127]
- It has also been observed that one may go to any UFO convention
- and someone will relate, under hypnosis, how they were abducted
- and implanted and screwed and poked and peeked and sampled. Try
- to get them to shut up. Just try, and see if they will. Good
- luck. ["Flim-Flam," by James Randi, Prometheus Books, 1987, pp.
- 71-92]
- It is important to remember that one's religion must be held
- inviolate. One must be allowed to believe and practice religious
- forms of expression freely and without intervention, provided that
- such practices do not harm others. What's a little vomit between
- True Believers, after all? As long as they use a bag, and I don't
- have to clean up after them, fine!
- It is also important to realize that, real or not, the
- Abduction Phenomena is valid, and real to those who have
- experienced them. As such experiences cause the individual a
- great deal of mental anguish in many cases, and a great deal of
- income in others, one should not scoff at the individuals who
- relate abduction stories. To scoff is paramount to laughing at
- the pain of hunger or loneliness. What's a few tears between
- abducted support group members, after all? As long as every
- member benefits and is not harmed, fine!
- But what about the True Believer and the Abducted who has made
- it one's calling to inform us how little we know about life, and
- that they are there to help us? Both have said that the "common
- man" (i.e. you and I) are not enlightened enough to understand.
- Consider the following:
- ". . already I have been referred to as a
- 'crackpot' and also have been ridiculed. But I
- assure you[,] people will 'definitely'
- understand in time, their minds aren't yet
- trained to handle this sort of information."
- This tells us flat out that we are not capable of understanding
- the abduction phenomena, as our minds are not developed for
- (presumably) rational thought or observation. This is a ploy that
- religionist hysterics have used for 5,000 years, telling us that
- only through their intervention will we be able to understand the
- improbable, impossible, and mysterious. Sadly, millions buy into
- this. I do not.
- "U.F.O's are definitely real, and are here
- for a purpose."
- Says who? We were told before hand that we are not able to
- understand, so therefore we must not question what was to follow!
- It was just left for us to believe, without proof or
- qualifications.
- "The occupants are the 'guardians' of
- humanity. The occasional appearances of these
- 'cosmic missionaries' is living proof that we
- are not alone in the universe. Throughout time
- and history they have kept a 'watchful' eye and
- have been always interested in the affairs of
- man. Sadly though, their existence has been
- concealed, ignored and ridiculed. It is only
- just recently that they have been alarmed by
- the dangerous turn of events on earth."
- I can no more argue against humanity requiring "guardians" that I
- can argue that falling trees are soundless if unobserved. We are
- told that "living proof" is offered us, but alas, I guess I'm just
- not mentally developed enough, as I think the above quote is pure
- hog-slop. Where were these "guardians" when we butchered
- fifty-million humans, almost one million a year, during the second
- world war? Was this horror below the "guardians" intervention
- level? Or is it my poorly developed brain that assumes that
- fifty-million murders is small potatoes, cosmically speaking?
- Several reasons are given us as to why these "guardians" have
- come now, and not in the past.
- "we are not taking care of ourselves
- enviromentally and spiritually."
- I submit that if we take care of our environment, a great many
- of our problems will be eased. Why throw "spirituality" into
- the pot? If one does, the question then becomes: "WHO'S
- spirituality did you have in mind for us to emulate?" This ties
- in with the "you aren't capable of understanding so I'll think for
- you" crap.
- "they are dissatisfied with contemporary
- social and economic injustices."
- Who has NOT been, masses speaking, over the past 5,000 years?
- "religion has been twisted and turned into
- fanaticism."
- Such as equating UFOs to "guardians," perhaps?
- As the guardians of mankind, they can only
- 'condemn' our actions, but they realize that a
- wasted evolution and an inescapable cataclysm
- will be the final consequence of our 'inhuman'
- behavior.
- A hearty "disagree" here. Why is it assumed that the human
- race is destined to destruction? Or is this something us lesser
- mentality folks can't understand? Civilizations have always come
- and gone, and so will the present ones. With better understanding
- of our international neighbors, the extinction of the species can
- be prevented. It will hardly be easy, but it is by no means
- definite that we will destroy ourselves.
- And now the waste material really hits the ventilation duct.
- "What does this all mean? As prophesied in
- the Bible, "On judgement day, Christ will
- descend from the heavens in a cloud with great
- power and glory, and will reveal himself to all
- the tribes of the earth." Luke 21:28. Also
- foreseen is the fateful course we are presently
- taking, "The heavens shall pass away with a
- great noise, the elements shall melt with a
- fervent heat, and the earth, and also the works
- therein shall be burned up." Peter 3:10-14.
- In the Old Testament there are 30 references to
- Christ's first coming. In the New Testament
- there are 50 specific references to Christ's
- 'second' coming. I also stress that the earth
- is not following a path towards complete
- annihilation, as in 'blowing itself to pieces'.
- Our planet 'will' stay intact, and it will
- enter a 'new age', a 'transition' for all that
- is left.
- The people who gave us the Christ myths are STILL waiting for
- the "first coming," but Mr. Obina would have us believe it has
- come and gone already. Kabalists generally agree that the Christ
- will come some time around 2200-2300 ce, coincidently at the same
- time the "Aquarian Age" roughly starts. Why throw Messiah myths
- into the UFO picture? What is served by using allegory to support
- one's reality-structure?
- "Our planet's destiny can only be decided by
- mankind's actions."
- This is self-evident. It also makes one wonder, though, since
- this is the case, where do the "guardians" come into the picture?!
- If our destiny is for us to decide, who needs "guardians?"
- "I have read many versions of the
- catastrophic events leading up to judgement
- day, and also what will actually 'happen' on
- judgement day. Everything from a nuclear war,
- to an axis-shift, to a mass suicide by those
- who cannot accept the facts. Do we really know
- the truth?.. only 'they' know."
- This supposes that "judgment day" is a fact, and not allegory
- as it was originally meant to be. It also supposes that what has
- been written about future events will happen, which has never in
- history been demonstrated. The massive volumes written about the
- end of the world are usually considered to be active meditations
- (like various Midrashim as Alpha Beta Ben Sira), and were not
- meant to be taken as attempts at fortune-telling.
- "In the near future, an important event that
- no human mind should be uninformed about will
- take place. It will come unexpectedly at a
- time of great need. There will be no need to
- ask 'why' or 'how' because all questions will
- be answered and all doubts will be laid to
- rest. Look forward to this event, and do not
- fear it, because soon 'all' will awaken and
- realize that 'fiction' will become 'fact'."
- Unfortunately, there are also those human minds that are very
- disinformed. Ben Obina tells us that no human minds should be
- uninformed about what WILL take place. Has there ever been a time
- where a human mind has been so informed about future events that
- can still go in any of many directions?!
- Fiction has often become fact, but hardly all!
- Those who do not understand do not want to
- know. The truth is disturbing and will make
- one feel skeptical, but if understood with an
- open mind. it can and 'must' be accepted. When
- the time comes, my purpose is to 'assist' and
- to let the people know and understand. I am
- just one of the many thousands around the world
- who have been randomly selected to slowly
- prepare the people and to gradually spread the
- message. We are all part of a worldwide
- program of 'psychological conditioning' before,
- and when this moment arrives.
- I do not understand, and I very much want to know. What does
- this do to Mr. Obina's theory? Or is this more "you're too
- stupid to understand" crap?
- "Space beings are the guardians of humanity.
- They are the messengers of the Ultimate
- Creator."
- Human beings are the guardians of humanity. We are the
- messengers of the Ultimate Creator, being one of Her creations.
- "Traces of the beings 'basic message' can be
- found in the Bible passages relating to
- judgement day, despite the fact they are
- written in vague and symbolic terms. Notice
- how the people are to be "judged". Notice how
- the believers of God's word are to be "raised
- from the dead". Notice what is meant when the
- Bible mentions the "home of the saved". Is it
- purely coincidental that most contactees have
- similar thoughts of 'permanent relocation' and
- a different earth within the next 10 years? In
- reference to judgement day, the Bible often
- "implies" the word "rapture". The actual word
- is not found in the Bible because sometimes
- Christians have a tendency to toss out
- misunderstood words which have no meaning to
- the Non-Christian. I suggest that you look up
- the word in the dictionary, you will be
- astonished at it's meaning and how it ties in
- with the beings 'basic message'."
- I am often astonished how one will use a hammer to drive in
- screws-- a job that the hammer was not made to do. Why use the
- Bible to drive mythological screws into the real world?
- "If you are shaking your head over this
- right now, please remember how many
- 'impossibles' you have said in your lifetime.
- Or how many 'impossibles' men throughout the
- ages have said to many things God has revealed
- through His spokesman. And yet they were
- possible, because nothing is 'impossible' for
- God."
- God has yet to reveal anything through "spokesmen." All that's
- required to know Her is to look around. When someone opens his
- mouth and spews out "God told me to tell you. . . ." is when the
- impossible is forced into the mold of the irrationality.
- "I could tell you how their ships travel
- through space; how they tie in with religion
- and the Bible; how they tie in with the
- destruction of previous civilizations that once
- flourished on earth; how they tie in with
- ancient mythology etc., etc. .. but I won't. I
- already revealed to you what one 'only' need to
- know.. how they will influence the future.
- Those questions and others will be definitely
- answered very soon, highly likely within our
- own lifetime."
- I have absolutely no doubts that Mr. Obina can!
- "Whether this so-called catastrophe is
- physical, natural or spiritual, I know 2 things
- for certain. An event of great importance to
- mankind will occur prior to judgement day. An
- event that will enlighten us about the nature
- of our existence. An event that will signify
- that mankind is entering a 'new age', a
- 'transition', .. perhaps the end."
- Ah, a qualifier! Now when the alleged catastrophe fails to
- materialize, Mr. Obina can claim it happened on some astral
- plane.
- "'In a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, at
- the last trumpet; for the last trumpet will
- sound, and the dead will be raised
- imperishable, and we shall all be changed.' I
- Corinthians 15:52 NASB."
- "The world of fools has such a store / that he who would not
- see an ass / must bide at home, and boot his door, / and break his
- looking glass." La Monnaye
- Which of the two quotes about, Mr. Obina's or mine, is true?